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This section will demonstrate how to obtain different types of Response through various combinations of parameters. The Generate interface provides the following types of Response:

  • ImageResponse: Image bytes

  • JsonResponse: Json string

  • StreamResponse :Stream output

Among them, ImageResponse and StreamResponse are synchronous, while JsonResponse can be either synchronous or asynchronous depending on the parameters.

The example will be demonstrated with Text to Image.

Synchronous Request


This is the return type with default parameters, which is also the type used in the previous examples.

import requests url = "http://localhost:7866/v1/engine/generate" params = { "prompt": "a dog playing with a ball", "negative_prompt": "" } response =, json=params)

Upon completion, you can obtain the list of URLs for the generated images in the result field of the returned JSON.


Continuing with the code above, if you include headers in the request and set the accept parameter to image/xxx, you will receive an ImageResponse. The supported formats include image/png, image/jpg, image/jpeg, and image/webp. Nevertheless, you can write any format after /, but unsupported formats will be set to image/png.

import requests url = "http://localhost:7866/v1/engine/generate" headers = { "accept": "image/webp" } params = { "prompt": "a dog playing with a ball", "negative_prompt": "" } response =, headers=headers, json=params)

Upon completion, you can obtain the binary data of the generated image in response.content, just as if you were downloading an image directly from the web. If you print it out directly, it will look something like this:

b'RIFF\xba-\x01\x00WEBPVP8 \xae-\x01\x00\x10\xe1\x07\x9d\x01*\x80\x04\x80\x03>m4\x95H$"\xa7)\xa2\xf3\xeb\xa10\r\x89gn-\x8d\xb6\xa3\x85\xff)\xa7S....


If you have used LLMs like OpenAI, you should be familiar with streaming output, which returns a stream that you can access using response.iter_lines(). Continuing with the code above, if you specify the stream_output parameter as true in the request, you will receive a StreamResponse:

import requests url = "http://localhost:7866/v1/engine/generate" params = { "prompt": "a dog playing with a ball", "negative_prompt": "", "stream_output": "true" } response =, json=params, stream=True) for line in response.iter_lines(): if line: print(line.decode('utf-8'))

You will get this:

data: {"progress": 2, "preview": null, "message": "Loading models ...", "images": []} data: data: {"progress": 13, "preview": null, "message": "Preparing task 1/1 ...", "images": []} data: data: {"progress": 13, "preview": "...", 'message': 'Sampling step 1/4, image 1/1 ...', 'images': []} data: data: {"progress": 34, "preview": "...", 'message': 'Sampling step 2/4, image 1/1 ...', 'images': []} data: data: {"progress": 56, "preview": "...", 'message': 'Sampling step 3/4, image 1/1 ...', 'images': []} data: data: {"progress": 78, "preview": "...", 'message': 'Sampling step 4/4, image 1/1 ...', 'images': []} data: data: {"progress": 100, "preview": null, "message": "Saving image 1/1 to system ...", "images": []} data: data: {"progress": 100, "preview": null, "message": "Finished", "images": [""]} data:

By slightly modifying the code to remove unnecessary characters, you can obtain a series of JSON strings:

for line in res.iter_lines(chunk_size=8192): line = line.decode('utf-8').split('\n')[0] try: json_data = json.loads(line[6:]) if json_data["preview"] is not None: json_data["preview"] = "..." except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: continue print(json_data)

The output:

{'progress': 13, 'preview': None, 'message': 'Preparing task 1/1 ...', 'images': []} {'progress': 13, 'preview': '...', 'message': 'Sampling step 1/4, image 1/1 ...', 'images': []} {'progress': 34, 'preview': '...', 'message': 'Sampling step 2/4, image 1/1 ...', 'images': []} {'progress': 56, 'preview': '...', 'message': 'Sampling step 3/4, image 1/1 ...', 'images': []} {'progress': 78, 'preview': '...', 'message': 'Sampling step 4/4, image 1/1 ...', 'images': []} {'progress': 100, 'preview': None, 'message': 'Saving image 1/1 to system ...', 'images': []} {'progress': 100, 'preview': None, 'message': 'Finished', 'images': [""]}

Async request

Asynchronous requests only have one type, JsonResponse. You simply need to specify the async_process parameter as true in the request. Its return format is consistent with JsonResponse, but it will return immediately with some fields being empty.

import requests url = "http://localhost:7866/v1/engine/generate" params = { "prompt": "a dog playing with a ball", "negative_prompt": "", "async_process": "true" } response =, json=params) print(response.json())

Output below:

{ 'id': -1, 'task_id': '0ff078640d894bc5a59242c05657a994', 'req_params': {}, 'in_queue_mills': -1, 'start_mills': -1, 'finish_mills': -1, 'task_status': 'pending', 'progress': -1, 'preview': '', 'webhook_url': '', 'result': [] }


When the program processes these parameters, it checks accept, stream_output, and async_process in sequence. Once a condition is met, it does not proceed with subsequent checks. This means that the priority order, from highest to lowest, is: accept, stream_output, async_process. This also means that if accept, stream_output, and async_process are all specified at the same time, stream_output and async_process will be ignored.

Last modified: 03 八月 2024