FooocusAPI en_us Help

What's new

2024-08-01 -- v2.5.2

  • Merge Fooocus 2.5.2, update log for Fooocus is here

【New feature】

  • Use save_final_enhanced_image_only to get the final result when using multiple enhance


  • fix a doc error for enhance

  • When the requested image does not exist, a 404 is returned instead of an Internal error

2024-07-31 -- v2.5.0

  • Merge Fooocus 2.5.0, update log for Fooocus is here

【New feature】

  • New documentation FooocusAPI-Docs

  • Custom upscale multiple

  • Custom outpaint distance

  • Endpoint for generate mask

  • vae support in preset

  • save_name parameter is back, issue #29


  • fix an error caused by parameter changes

  • fix ge value for sam_max_detections, it should be 0

  • fix describe image, now is working

  • fix an error when inpaint mask is png

  • fix an error for webhook

Last modified: 03 八月 2024